Introducing XoomDaddy Photo Gallery!

XoomDaddy Photo Gallery - Flickr Photo GalleryCan’t find a good photo gallery for your website? Let Dynamics Online provide the right solution with XoomDaddy Photo Gallery! XoomDaddy accesses photos and sets from your Flickr account and displays them on an easy-to-use web-based Photo Gallery. All you need is a Flickr account and Dynamics Online can install this gallery on your website lickity-split!

Benefits of XoomDaddy Photo Gallery XoomDaddy Photo Gallery - Flickr Photo Gallery

  • It’s sleek, simple, and customizable design can easily fit in with the look of your site or brand
  • Uses Flickr’s simplified interface to upload and organize your gallery
  • Made with ultra-light PHP/Flickr API code that won’t bog down the speed of your website
  • Keeps track of tags, description, and titles on all album or image pages
  • Includes Flickr slideshow links
  • Utilizes simplified breadcrumb navigation
  • Comes with detailed instructions for the not so web-savy users

The idea behind XoomDaddy was to create a gallery that allowed website owners to control their images with greater ease. There are thousand of galleries out there all promising to be simple and easy to use, but most still require knowledge of HTML, XML, Databases, Flash, Dreamweaver, or other complicated user interfaces. XoomDaddy promises make this process much easier by using Flickr’s user-friendly interface to access photos and sets into your gallery.