New Website Launch – Cleveland Manufacturing Company

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Dynamics Online is pleased to announce the launch of our latest site, Assembly Specialty Products!


Assembly Specialty Products, a manufacturer and distributor of custom-fabricated swage fittings and wire rope assemblies, approached Dynamics in spring 2013 for assistance with their content marketing. We assisted them with an online marketing campaign revolving around social media, email marketing and the creation of a blog.

However, as we progressed we recognized that the limitations of the website, coupled with an archaic content management system, wasn’t allowing us to do everything we wanted to do in order to achieve the best results. Thus, earlier this year they approved our proposal to develop their website in WordPress using a premium theme.

Our priorities for the new site included:

  • Responsive behavior, adapting to any mobile device
  • Diversified content beyond products, incorporating dynamic case studies, custom assemblies and a separate section describing the industries served
  • Updated, smoother look with appropriate imagery
  • Dynamic imagery demonstrating the application of a range of products

Using WordPress, we were able to do all this and more, extracting the client from a costly industry solution to a custom, mobile-friendly site.

See more of our work >