6 Questions to Ask Yourself Before Selling Online

Setting up an e-commerce store to sell your products online may seem like a daunting task, but it doesn’t need to be. As with most elements of web design, the myriad e-commerce solutions can be set up to handle any volume of orders with as much automation as you need. The trick to successfully creating […]

Understanding Pay-Per-Click Campaigns – Part Three

Welcome to the exciting conclusion to The Great PPC Trilogy, as it is destined to be called. To avoid spoilers, I’ll recap: Part 1 dealt with the definition of PPC Campaigns and why they’re a good idea. Part 2 dealt with how Google AdWords works and the basic structure of a campaign. In this final […]

Link Building – Should I Do It?

In short, yes. (we’re very direct here at Dynamics) Links are one of the top – if not the top – ranking factor in Google. Google values inbound links (links coming to your site from an outside website) above all other factors because good links, like help, are hard to find. Let me rephrase that: […]