When to Use a Database in Website Development

The website development landscape has changed a bit since I last tackled this issue. Many websites are now built on content management systems like WordPress that do technically store all page content in a database. This differs from a traditionally “static” website where the page content resides in individual HTML files. Although content-managed sites store […]

What’s the Quality, Kenneth?

In speaking with our clients, I often hear the following: “I just Googled one of our keywords and none of our ads showed up! What is my budget going towards, anyway?” This is a perfectly reasonable question. If you’re dedicating a decent budget to Search Engine Advertising (SEA) on Google, shouldn’t your ads always show up? While […]

Mission Accomplished, Nintendo

On a normal day, I’m not the one to be discussing social marketing here at Dynamics Online. But while at E3 2013 in Los Angeles back in June, I came across one of my favorite uses of social media yet. Nintendo used the show to promote the wide array of games coming to their Wii […]

The “Decline” of Content Marketing

Content marketing has been my M.O. since I was 19, before I knew it was called content marketing. I’d become disillusioned with college after my freshman year when I realized what a hoax a college education has become, and started a personal blog to launch vengeful tirades against the institution, sticking it regularly to the […]