SEO Tip of the Day – Goals & Tracking

When doing SEO on your own website or with an agency, there are 2 main elements that need to be in place before you start the optimization process: goals and a method to track them. Goals are simply what you want your site or campaign to accomplish. For ecommerce websites the goal is typically a […]

SEO Tip of the Day

Don’t cannibalize your keywords. Keyword Cannibalization is actually more common than you think and it usually happens by accident. Cannibalization occurs when multiple pages are optimized for the same keyword. This causes those pages to compete with each other for search engine rank. To avoid this, optimize one page for one keyword. This will yield […]

How Google Instant May Change Paid Search Campaigns

Yesterday you may have noticed something a bit different about Google as you searched: search results just started to appear as you typed. No clicking needed! This is the latest evolution for Google’s search engine, known as Google Instant. Google Instant auto completes search results as you type. So, if I am searching for Butterfinger […]

Pay-Per-Click Glossary of Terms

Below is a brief glossary of terms that are commonly used with pay-per-click and search engine marketing campaigns. Google AdWords – Google’s Paid Search Program Keywords – The keywords selected for a pay per click campaign include targeted words and phrases that will bring qualified leads to your website based on what users’ are searching […]

Top 10 Tips to make your site rank better in search engines

Improve Search Engine Rankings: Top 10 Tips Recap of Top 5 Tips: 1. Optimize Images 2. Optimize Videos 3. Optimize Press Releases 4. Optimize your Blog 5. Optimize your Social Media 6. Submit Your Site to Local Business Listings – These are the group of links that appear next to the image of a map when […]