Search Engine Marketing Opportunity: Google Places Tags

All this week we are taking a look at a few new features Google has begun to roll out over the past few weeks, and how you can use them to enhance your search engine marketing. Previously we looked at Google Instant Preview. Today we will look at a new feature available as a part […]

Search Engine Marketing Opportunity: Google Instant Preview

Internet marketing is ever changing.  Major players like Google are constantly developing new tools and opportunities for businesses to utilize to better reach the right audience and be found by those that are searching for them. Taking advantage of emerging search engine marketing opportunities can make your business stand out among the competition. This week […]

Should You Buy Into a Chapter or Franchisee Website System?

If you direct the online marketing of a local chapter of a larger association or an individual franchise, you might have the opportunity to buy into a website system that gives you a basic website with some customization options for your particular chapter or franchise. If you do not already have a standalone website, our […]

Measuring Website Activity: What’s Most Important?

We are as guilty as other web marketers in sometimes providing too many detailed statistics about website activity. We run monthly or quarterly Webtrends reports and install Google Analytics to give our clients a self-serve method for looking up information about website visitors. All of these tools provide information in aggregate about the number of […]

Beachwood Chamber Business-to-Business Show

We are proud to be both sponsors and exhibitors at the annual Beachwood Chamber of Commerce Business-to-Business show this Monday, October 11, from 2:30 p.m. – 7 p.m. at the Hilton Cleveland East/Beachwood (MAP). The B2B show is a great event every year that gathers more than 100 local exhibitors, a thousand attendees, food from […]

Web Design Trends in 2010

Web design has undergone a continuous and surprisingly fast evolution. No longer just a playground for enthusiasts, it has become a mature rich medium with strong aesthetic and functional appeal. But what trends are currently making a difference? What new techniques, concepts and ideas are becoming important? Here are just a few observations on the […]

Formatting Navigation Menus for Mobile Browsers

Formatting websites for mobile browsers continues to be an important part of web development, and it only gets trickier as technology advances. With the advent and rising popularity of touch screen devices, mobile web development isn’t just about formatting a website so it’s easy to read on a small screen, it’s also about how that website behaves.

Benefits of URL Shortening

In this day and age size is everything. And when it comes to URLs, shorter is better. Better for Tweeting, better for SEO and better for tracking. Take a look at how smaller URLs can offer great benefits to you, your website, and your business: SEO Benefits of URL Shortening Let’s say you are writing an […]

How Google Instant May Change Paid Search Campaigns

Yesterday you may have noticed something a bit different about Google as you searched: search results just started to appear as you typed. No clicking needed! This is the latest evolution for Google’s search engine, known as Google Instant. Google Instant auto completes search results as you type. So, if I am searching for Butterfinger […]

Pay-Per-Click Glossary of Terms

Below is a brief glossary of terms that are commonly used with pay-per-click and search engine marketing campaigns. Google AdWords – Google’s Paid Search Program Keywords – The keywords selected for a pay per click campaign include targeted words and phrases that will bring qualified leads to your website based on what users’ are searching […]