Abanaki Oil Skimmers
When our longtime client, Abanaki Oil Skimmers, began to outgrow their third-party-hosted e-commerce store, we moved them to the WooCommerce shopping cart system on the WordPress platform. Unlike their previous system that passed shopping functionality to a different site, WooCommerce integrates the shopping cart with Abanaki’s product information pages. We were also able to set up products with variable selections and with multiple product photos and videos. This not only provides an easier shopping experience for their customers, but also makes it easier for Abanaki to process orders and maintain the products on the site. Whereas their previous shopping cart system accommodated only 6 products, their new WooCommerce store allows them to list 45.
In addition to upgraded shopping experience, we implemented a reskinning of the site design and built a custom post type system that automatically connects products, industries, and case studies for tighter integration through the site.